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PicRights Law Suit

When producing content on the Internet, it is necessary to think about various legal factors so that third party rights are not infringed, especially with regard to Copyright. It is imperative to identify, for example, in the image used, the origin of the publication, as well as the type of license of use, checking if […]

Christian Louboutin: The protection of the red soles in Brazil

The French brand Christian Louboutin applied for protection for the famous red sole of its shoes in Brazil back in 2009, when there were no regulations for so-called “position marks” in the country. In 2021, with the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) Administrative Rule n. 37, this type of registration was allowed, which is […]

Registration of Trademarks with “CORONAVIRUS/COVID”

The first case of the new coronavirus in Brazil was confirmed in February 26, 2020, in Sao Paulo[1]. Our country since then has had to adapt to what is referred to as “a new normal”. Given this new globe scenario, new consumer needs and habits took place. These needs and habits challenged many entrepreneurs to […]

The importance of a Prior Registry Search of a Trademark

Before delving into the theme of this article, it is important to highlight that Brazilian Law demands that a request for trademark be filed with the legally competent institution known as The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in order to be granted a registered trademark. Thus, the first to file the of trademark application […]