Barbie, the most anticipated film of the year and Warner’s biggest pre-seller of all time in Brazil, opens in theaters today, July 20.
The brand was launched by the toy company Mattel in 1959, and since then has been an icon of the toy industry for decades. Its longevity on the market and its ability to remain relevant over time have contributed to its good reputation.
With its first application for registration in Brazil in 1979, the Barbie brand was considered a highly renowned brand in the country in 2015.
A highly renowned trademark is a status granted by the INPI that guarantees special, extended protection for a trademark’s rights due to its reputation, prestige and popularity, with significant added value, which means that the trademark is protected for all products and services.
The trademark has undergone several transformations, keeping pace with cultural and social changes, and has represented different professions, ethnicities and lifestyles, seeking to connect with an increasingly diverse public.
In addition, the owner of the brand, Mattel Inc., has invested in impactful marketing campaigns, using innovative strategies to promote it. The doll is often associated with events and collaborations, which expands its presence in the market and strengthens the emotional connection with its consumers, becoming a cultural icon and a leading figure in pop culture, appearing in films, TV series, magazines and fashion events, becoming a symbol of elegance and beauty for many people.
In addition, in order to contribute to the sales success of the film’s release, Mattel Inc. signed several licensing contracts for the brand with high-profile companies in Brazil, launching limited clothing collections with Zara and C&A, nail polish with OPI, cappuccinos with Biscoitê, a line of pink paints with Coral, and several others, reaching billion-dollar sales even before the film’s release.